function [X,r,s,T] = mrgras(X0,u,v,G,Q,W,eps) % PURPOSE: estimate a new multi-regional (or any partitioned) matrix X as % close as possible to a given matrix X0 subject to the row sums, column % sums and non-overlapping aggregation constraints, using MR-GRAS approach % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % USAGE: % Write X = mrgras(X0,u,v,G,Q,W) OR [X,r,s,T] = mrgras(X0,u,v,G,Q,W) with % or without eps as the seventh optional input argument, where % % INPUT: % -> X0 = benchmark (original) matrix, not necessarily square % -> u = column vector of row totals (new row sums) % -> v = column vector of column totals (new column sums) % -> W = non-overlapping aggregation constraints matrix % -> G & Q = the row and column aggregator matrices such that G*X0*Q = W; % non-overlapping aggergation necessarily implies that the % column sums of G and the row sums of Q must be all unity % -> eps = convergence tolerance level; if empty, the default threshold % level is 0.1e-5 (=0.000001) % -> In case of missing w_IJ, set the corresponding missing number to % w_IJ = 1010101 (assuming that 1010101 is not among the w_IJ's) % % OUTPUT (input-output analysis-related interpretation): % -> X = updated/balanced/adjusted/projected matrix % -> r = substitution effects (row multipliers) % -> s = fabrication effects (column multipliers) % -> T = technology or regional effects (aggregation multipliers) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % REFERENCES: % Temursho, U., Oosterhaven, J. and M.A. Cardenete (2019), A multi-regional % generalized RAS updating technique, IOpedia Research Paper No. 2, % September 2019, % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Using this program and publishing the results in % the form of a report, working/discussion paper, journal article, etc. % requires citation of the above reference paper. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Written by: Umed Temursho, May 2019 % E-mail: [m,n] = size(X0); [h,k] = size(W); N = zeros(m,n); N(X0<0) = -X0(X0<0); N = sparse(N); % could save memory with large-scale matrices P = X0+N; P = sparse(P); % r0 = ones(m,1); % initial guess for r in step 0 T0 = ones(h,k); % initial guess for T in step 0 Te = G'*T0*Q'; % T expanded to fit the dimention of X0 p_rt = (P.*Te)'*r0; n_rt = (N.*invM(Te))'*invd(r0)*ones(m,1); s1 = invd(2*p_rt)*(v+sqrt(v.^2+4*p_rt.*n_rt)); % first step s ss = -invd(v)*n_rt; s1(p_rt==0) = ss(p_rt==0); % p_st = (P.*Te)*s1; n_st = (N.*invM(Te))*invd(s1)*ones(n,1); r1 = invd(2*p_st)*(u+sqrt(u.^2+4*p_st.*n_st)); % first step r rr = -invd(u)*n_st; r1(p_st==0) = rr(p_st==0); % P_rs = G*(diag(r1)*P*diag(s1))*Q; N_rs = G*(invd(r1)*N*invd(s1))*Q; T1 = invM(2*P_rs).*(W+sqrt(W.^2+4*P_rs.*N_rs)); % first step T TT = -invM(W).*N_rs; T1(P_rs==0) = TT(P_rs==0); T1(W==1010101) = 1; % set t_IJ=1 for missing aggregation total w_IJ Te = G'*T1*Q'; % p_rt = (P.*Te)'*r1; n_rt = (N.*invM(Te))'*invd(r1)*ones(m,1); s2 = invd(2*p_rt)*(v+sqrt(v.^2+4*p_rt.*n_rt)); % second step s ss = -invd(v)*n_rt; s2(p_rt==0) = ss(p_rt==0); % p_st = (P.*Te)*s2; n_st = (N.*invM(Te))*invd(s2)*ones(n,1); r2 = invd(2*p_st)*(u+sqrt(u.^2+4*p_st.*n_st)); % second step r rr = -invd(u)*n_st; r2(p_st==0) = rr(p_st==0); % P_rs = G*(diag(r2)*P*diag(s2))*Q; N_rs = G*(invd(r2)*N*invd(s2))*Q; T2 = invM(2*P_rs).*(W+sqrt(W.^2+4*P_rs.*N_rs)); % second step T TT = -invM(W).*N_rs; T2(P_rs==0) = TT(P_rs==0); T2(W==1010101) = 1; % set t_IJ=1 for missing w_IJ % tmax = max(max(abs(T2-T1))); dif = [s2-s1;r2-r1;tmax]; iter = 1 % first iteration if nargin < 7 || isempty(eps) eps = 0.1e-5; % default tolerance level end M = max(abs(dif)); while (M > eps) s1 = s2; r1 = r2; T1 = T2; Te = G'*T1*Q'; % p_rt = (P.*Te)'*r1; n_rt = (N.*invM(Te))'*invd(r1)*ones(m,1); s2 = invd(2*p_rt)*(v+sqrt(v.^2+4*p_rt.*n_rt)); % next step s ss = -invd(v)*n_rt; s2(p_rt==0) = ss(p_rt==0); % p_st = (P.*Te)*s2; n_st = (N.*invM(Te))*invd(s2)*ones(n,1); r2 = invd(2*p_st)*(u+sqrt(u.^2+4*p_st.*n_st)); % next step r rr = -invd(u)*n_st; r2(p_st==0) = rr(p_st==0); % P_rs = G*(diag(r2)*P*diag(s2))*Q; N_rs = G*(invd(r2)*N*invd(s2))*Q; T2 = invM(2*P_rs).*(W+sqrt(W.^2+4*P_rs.*N_rs)); % next step T TT = -invM(W).*N_rs; T2(P_rs==0) = TT(P_rs==0); T2(W==1010101) = 1; % set t_IJ=1 for missing w_IJ % tmax = max(max(abs(T2-T1))); dif = [s2-s1;r2-r1;tmax]; iter = iter+1 M = max(abs(dif)); end s = s2; % final step s r = r2; % final step r T = T2; % final step T Te = G'*T*Q'; % X = Te.*(diag(r)*P*diag(s))-invM(Te).*(invd(r)*N*invd(s)); % updated matrix end function invd = invd(x) % auxiliary function used above invd = 1./x; invd(x==0) = 1; invd = diag(invd); end function invM = invM(X) % auxiliary function used above invM = 1./X; invM(X==0) = 1; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % END OF THE CODE %--------------------------------------------------------------------------